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Flower Pot Set With Chive Seeds

Tradename: Prime Line
Plant the seed of promotion with your customers and supporters and allow them to nurture and grow your relationship! Give away green thumbs with these great gardening kits. Each includes a planter made from renewable materials like bamboo wood and corn, a ready to use compressed wafer of planting soil and a packet of chive seeds. Transform your windowsill into a place of beauty. Natural tone planter. Add your school, sports team, organizational or company logo or message to customize.
Additional Information  Feature:Each set includes a flower pot-planter, a compressed soil wafer and Chive seed packet, Product Size: 2.13" w x 2.5" h x 1.75" d Fabric:Flower pot made from reclaimed renewable materials including bamboo and corn fiber


TAN,Pad Print
Imprint Method: Pad Print, Product Color: Tan
Quantity 150 800 1,200 2,600
Price $3.55 $3.43 $3.32 $3.20
Price Includes: N/A
Imprint Method: Unimprinted, Product Color: Tan
Quantity 250
Price $3.20
Price Includes: N/A
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